理事長 村島 温子
1981年、大阪母子保健医療センターに日本で初めて「母性内科」が開設され、その後、神奈川県立こども医療センター、国立成育医療センターに設置されました。様々な形で概念の普及を模索するなか、内科における専門分野が細分化・先鋭化している現状において、高度の母性内科診療を行うためには、それぞれの専門性を持ちながら母性内科という共通基盤で情報を交換・共有するコミュニティが必要であるという認識から、2014年10月、日本母性内科学会(Japanese Society of Obstetric Medicine)が設立されました。
理事長 | 村島 温子 | (埼玉医科大学 リウマチ膠原病科) |
副理事長 | 谷垣 伸治 | (杏林大学医学部 産科婦人科) |
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Obstetric medicine is an academics that focuses on the treatment of medical complications during pregnancy, from preconception to postpartum, as well as the prevention of future diseases and the promotion of health. Maternal internal medicinal physicians are generalists and specialists who provide comprehensive medical care based on a deep understanding of the ever-changing physiology and pathology of pregnancy and also on the latest findings. As a group of specialists in this field, our mission is to conduct research for better medical care and to communicate appropriate medical information to other societies and medical professionals.
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Thank you for visiting the website of the Japanese Society of Obstetric Medicine.
My name is Atsuko Murashima, President of the Board of Directors.
In recent years, advances in medicine have improved the quality of life (QOL) of patients. Pregnancy and childbirth, which are important QOL for the young generation, have become important themes. In addition, the frequency of pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes and hypertensive disorders in pregnancy is increasing due to the increase of childbearing age. Under these circumstances, there is a growing need for the medical care by “obstetric physicians" who have knowledge of both internal medicine and obstetrics from preconception to postpartum.
We have been exchanging information and conducting joint research with several institutions, including the Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital and the National Center for Child Health and Development, where obstetric medicine has been established since long ago. Recently, the number of colleagues who are interested in this field has been increasing. We established the Society of Obstetric Medicine in 2014, believing that an academic society was necessary to promote and develop obstetric medicine.
Six years have passed since this society was established. In addition to pregnancies with diseases and pregnancy complications, I have realized that the scope of maternal internal medicine is broad and deep. And, it includes "Preconception care" which is health management with an awareness of pregnancy before conception, and "Long-term care after childbirth" which is medical intervention for women whose predisposition to future disease has become clear due to the burden of pregnancy. I sincerely hope that you will share the philosophy of obstetric medicine and join us.
Japanese Society of Obstetric Medicine
President, Atsuko Murashima
In 1981, Japan's first "Department of Obstetric Medicine" was established at the Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital, followed by the Kanagawa Children's Medical Center, and the National Center for Child Health and Development. In October 2014, the Japanese Society of Obstetric Medicine was established. Because, we recognized the need for a community to exchange and share information on the common platform of obstetric medicine in order to provide advanced obstetric medicine in the current situation in which specialties in internal medicine are becoming increasingly fragmented and specialized.
Since 2016, we have been holding scientific meetings as a forum for research and education in the field of obstetric medicine, with lectures from experts in the respective fields of internal medicine and obstetrics and gynecology, as well as research presentations by members of the Society. In addition, in 2018, a provider course was developed as a training program for internists and obstetricians/gynecologists to demonstrate learning in obstetric medicine. Through these activities, we realized that there is a fair a number of people who are involved in clinical practice and research with the keywords "internal medicine" and "pregnancy," although they are not named as practitioners of "obstetric medicine”. This is also reflected in the number of obstetric medicine practitioners in our society: it has grown from 20 at the time of establishment to more than 290 today.
We provide appropriate medical care and education to women who wish to become pregnant using a multidisciplinary approach with specialists in different backgrounds, including internists, obstetricians and gynecologists, midwives, and pharmacists. We also aim to further develop as an academic organization that promotes obstetric medicine for the purpose of preventing future diseases by seeking better pregnancy outcomes and long-term maternal and infant health maintenance after childbirth.
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